Big Fan Cabel Sasser's great story of fan noise on older Mac dev hardware #
Mister Bookseller scanlation of a wistful Croation comic about a bookstore with every book in the world, except one (via) #
Pixel Pour saw this a couple days ago, but now it's been tagged and removed (via) #

BBC Two's Horizon on "The Electronic Frontier" in 1993

Continuing the series of portrayals of technology from the VHS era, here’s another contribution from Martin Brewer, who brought us the first episode of The Net. This is another BBC Two show, an episode of Horizon from 1993 on “The Electronic Frontier.”

The broad theme of the episode is the information economy, and it’s a whirlwind tour of influential people and tech in the pre-Web 1990s. They focus heavily on Microsoft, Apple, and General Magic, with interviews from key players from each. (Plus, great footage of their headquarters and workspaces.) There’s plenty of footage of vintage ’90s tech in here, including giant cell phones, Windows NT 3.1, the Newton, General Magic’s Magic Cap, Corbis, Encarta on CD-ROM, interactive TV and software agents. Some of the highlights, with screenshots, after the video below.

Note: Like all the other materials I post here, this video is completely out-of-print and unavailable commercially, digitized from an old VHS tape. If it ever comes back into print, or the copyright holders contact me, I’ll take it down immediately. (Update: YouTube is blocking my upload in some countries, so I replaced the video embed below with this copy from the Internet Archive.)

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Doeo RPS nailed it as "whack-a-mole with Katamari Damacy's aesthetics" (via) #